
Move to Wordpress

     Sorry, I don't give you any post recently since having new routine as tutor in Japanese Course and reporter for automotive blog. I hope you understand with my condition now. But no problem, I will post something as long as I have topics to post.

     In order to give better access when giving comment, I decided to move my blogs to Wordpress . There, I will give you variative topics to post besides about railway. Automotive is my another interest. Hopefully , you will be satisfied with my various articles.

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Railfanning Rider


ようこそ Ex - JR East Saikyo Line 205 Series! (Part 2)

          Happy New Year 2014! Hopefully this year will be better than before. All people in the world celebrate it with happiness. Everyone has their own resolution to improve their achievement from year to year. Indonesia Tetsudou Fan have to do improvement in purpose to give information about many things especially railway. Since 1 January 2014, written articles are in English only to make it easy to read than two-languages in single article.

          Back to the title, I will tell you about progress of Seri 205 EMU which bought from JR East. Based on last article, we only know about HaE 7, 11, 15 set. For your information, 100 of 180 cars has been arrived to Indonesia since October last year. Fortunately, I can see all of them in Depok Depot and Bukit Duri Depot. It's a long time since last visit 2 years ago, but nothing changed  at all.

         First, I visited Bukit Duri. It is as small as Bogor Depot. Although so, I can find two sets of Seri 205 in original decal stabling inside. These sets will be sent to Depok Depot for remodeling.

HaE 23 stabling in Bukit Duri Depot, South Jakarta

          In afternoon, I moved to Depok Depot after my friend got the permission to go inside. This is a rare thing since very hard to get permit. You need to spare your time so much for visiting Depok Depot. As the biggest EMU depot in Jabodetabek, you can't explore it quickly. I started to explore the maintenance area to see remodeling progress of Seri 205.

HaE 13 still in progress...

          The changes doesn't look significant, only livery change and add "Commuter" logo instead of JR. To anticipate low-level platform, they also install passenger footsteps. To protect the driver, window grill will be installed on both front and rear cabin. Livery change uses sticker in order to worktime efficiency eventhough it will be dirty in short time. However, the front side uses paint. Needed time also shorter since Seri 205 has it own cowhanger. In other words, they don't need to make the new one.

          Done with the remodeling, now we moves into stabling area. This is the place where the rollingstocks are stabled, even the non-active rollingstocks. I will talk about the non-active rollingstock later while the main topic still about Seri 205.


HaE 24

HaE 4

From left to right : HaE 24 , HaE 7, HaE 25

          I think all of these sets are still waiting for debut, because there are some infrastructure must be adapted due to 10-cars set. Some stastion has been extended their platform such as Universitas Indonesia Station and Jakarta Kota Station. Not only that, the crew also need adaptation with these new EMUs. It's only about time to see the newcomer from Saikyo Line. The story still continued till all of sets arrive.

Photos : Private Archive



Understanding Safety System On Train

          Peristiwa tabrakan antara KRL Seri 7000 dan truk tangki di Bintaro (9/12) menjadi topik yang sedang hangat-hangatnya belakangan ini. Bagaimana tidak? Kejadian ini menyebabkan jatuhnya korban tewas dan luka-luka yang terjebak di dalam kereta.

          Crash between 7000 Series EMU and oil truck in Bintaro (9/12) became trending topic recently. How could? This incident causes many death and injured victims who trapped inside train.

          Hal ini semakin diparah dengan ketidaktahuan penumpang mengenai sistem keselamatan dalam rangkaian KRL. Mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi? Pertama, kurangnya sosialisasi sistem keselamatan oleh operator. Kedua, ketidakpedulian penumpang terhadap hal-hal kecil yang penting sehingga aspek ini terabaikan. Karena itulah artikel ini ditulis agar pembaca mengetahui seluk beluk sistem keselamatan dalam rangkaian KRL.

          It getting worse when the passenger doesn't know about safety system inside train. How could this happen? First, the lack of socialization by operator. Second, passengers ignorance against small things which important causing this parameter were neglected. That's why this article are made for. After read, the readers are expected to know about safety system inside the train.
          Sejak penghapusan KRL Ekonomi, semua kereta sudah menggunakan pintu yang dikendalikan secara otomatis melalui kabin masinis. Pertanyaannya, bagaimana cara membuka pintu saat keadaan darurat? Bisa saja pada kondisi tersebut, kabin tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Pada umumnya, sistem otomatis juga memiliki sistem manual yang digunakan untuk saat tertentu. Begitu pula dengan pintu kereta, di dalamnya terdapat katup darurat yang bila diputar akan menyebabkan pintu bisa dibuka dengan tangan. Katup - katup darurat ini biasanya terletak di bawah kursi penumpang. Ada juga yang dipasang dekat jendela untuk mempermudah jangkauan. Berikut merupakan contoh peletakan katup darurat di KRL Jabodetabek.

          Since decomissioning of KRL Ekonomi, all trains using automatic doors which controlled by driver's cabin. The question, how we can open the door when emergency situation occurs? When emergency situation occurs, cabin can't operated as it should. Usually, every automatic system also has manual system for certain situation. It's same with door on train, there is emergency valve when turned, the doors can be opened by hand. These emergency valves are installed below passenger seat. Some of them are installed near window to make it easy to reach. Here is some example of emergency valve placement on KRL Jabodetabek

Seri 8000 / 8500

Seri 05

Seri 203

KFW I-9000

          Ternyata katup - katup darurat juga terpasang di luar rangkaian, tepatnya di persambungan antar kereta. Ini bertujuan agar pintu juga bisa dibuka dari luar.

          Emergency valves also installed the outside of train, exactly at the connection between two cars. The purpose is, the door can be opened from the outside.


          Tak cukup dengan katup darurat, untuk KRL ex-Tokyo Metro 6000 dan 7000 memiliki fitur keselamatan yang lain. Fitur tersebut adalah pintu darurat yang berada di tiap kabin masinis. Ketika pintu dibuka, maka daun pintu akan membentuk sebuah tangga. Ini sangat berguna ketika turun dari rangkaian karena kita bisa melihat situasi di sekitar kita dengan jelas. Bandingkan dengan turun melalui pintu samping yang lebih berbahaya karena posisi pintu lebih tinggi daripada rel. Selain itu, pandangan juga terbatas. Karena itulah dibutuhkan bantuan petugas / orang lain ketika turun lewat samping dalam kondisi darurat.

          Doesn't enough with emergency valve, the former of Tokyo Metro 6000 and 7000 Series has another safety feature.  There is emergency door in each driver's cabin. When the door opened, it forms a stairs. Very useful when getting off from the train since we can see situation around us clearly. Compared with getting of from side door which more dangerous because of level difference between door and rail tracks. Beside of that, the visual also limited. That's why we need crew assistance when getting off via side door in emergency.

          Jumlah korban akibat kecelakaan dapat ditekan dengan memahami sistem keselamatan. Yang terpenting, bagaimana kita dapat mengendalikan diri kita di dalam situasi darurat. Ini bukan berbicara mengenai takdir kita, tapi bagaimana kita mencoba tetap hidup dalam kondisi paling kritis. Demikian penjelasan mengenai sistem keselamatan dalam kereta.

          The number of victims because of accident can be supressed with understanding safety system. The most important, how we can manage ourself in emergency situation. This is not about our fate, but how we trying to survive in most critical condition. That's all about safety systems on train.

 Sumber :
1. Arsip Pribadi2. Andi Ardiansyah

Source :
1. Private Archive
2. Andi Ardiansyah


Ex - Saikyo Line 205 Series HaE 11 & 15 Trial Run

          Kebutuhan armada yang mendesak membuat waktu setelah penurunan perdana hingga ujicoba rangkaian hanya memerlukan waktu kira-kira satu bulan saja. Tanggal 3-4 Desember 2013 menjadi momen perdana Seri 205 untuk "berpusing-pusing ria" di Jabodetabek. Rangkaian yang diujikan adalah HaE 15 (3/12) dan HaE 11 (4/12) yang lebih dulu tiba di Indonesia pada November lalu. Ujicoba ini bertujuan untuk menguji performansi dan hal-hal lain yang berhubungan dengan operasional rangkaian. Karena rangkaian ini akan dioperasikan dengan formasi 10 kereta per setnya, dalam ujicoba juga dilakukan pengukuran untuk penambahan panjang peron, khususnya untuk stasiun Jakarta kota sebagai stasiun tujuan akhir.

          Only in one month after first unloading of 205 Series to first trial run because of rollingstock needs. This moment was happened in 3-4 December 2013. Tested train consist of HaE 15 (3/12) and HaE 11 (4/12) which arrived from Niigata harbor since November. The trial run was held in purpose of testing performance and anything which related with operational. Because these sets will be used in 10-cars formation, some station platform especially Jakarta Kota as terminus station were measured.



          Sebagai informasi, ujicoba rangkaian yang baru datang dari luar negeri biasanya dilakukan dua kali. Ujicoba pertama untuk menguji peforma atau bisa dikatakan sebagai pra-sertifikasi. Selanjutnya untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi layak jalan dari Kementerian Perhubungan, dilakukan ujicoba kedua. Barulah rangkaian bisa dioperasikan secara penuh.

          As information, there are twice trial run of rollingstock for newcomer train. The purpose of first trial run is testing performance or we can call it as pre-sertification. To receive sertification from The Ministry of Transportation, second trial run must be held. Finally, the rollingstock can be fully operated. 

Sumber | Source : Arsip Pribadi | Private Archive


Indonesian Railways Day Part 2 ( Railway History Exhibition)

          Seperti yang sudah ITF janjikan sebelumnya,ada acara sejenis yang diadakan untuk memperingati Hari Kereta Api Indonesia. Gelaran tersebut bernama The History Of Indonesian Railways Exhibition. Acara tersebut diadakan di Erasmus Huis yang berada di dalam komplek Kedutaan Besar Belanda di Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan. Acara tersebut diadakan dari tanggal 24 September sampai 20 Oktober 2013.

          As ITF promised, there was a similiar event which held for commemorate Indonesian Railways Day. This event named The History of Indonesian Railways Exhibition. This event was held on Erasmus Huis which inside of Royal Dutch Embassy area in Kuningan, South Jakarta. Started from 24 September to 20 Oktober 2013.


          Ketika memasuki pelataran Erasmus Huis, kita bisa menemukan replika lokomotif ESS 3201. Meskipun ITF tidak mengetahui secara pasti berapa skala yang digunakan, namun tinggi replika lokomotif ini kurang lebih 1,5-1,6 meter. Di depan bangunan utama juga terdapat replika genta perlintasan kereta api yang masih dipakai di Indonesia.

          When entering Erasmus Huis yard, we could find replica of ESS 3201 locomotive. The height is about 1,5 - 1,6 metres eventhough the scale was unknown. In front of main building, railway crossing bell replica also exist. It still operated in Indonesia until today.

          Di dalam ruang pameran, kita disuguhi pernak-pernik perkeretaapian masa lampau seperti foto antik, peta rute, seragam pegawai dari waktu ke waktu dan masih banyak lagi. Foto-foto yang dipajang di dinding ruang pameran memperlihatkan sejarah kereta api di Indonesia pada era kolonial Belanda. Pada masa itu juga kereta api mengalami masa jayanya yang bisa dibuktikan dengan bertambahnya jalur kereta api yang ditunjukkan oleh peta jalur kereta api Indonesia secara periodik seperti yang terlihat di bawah ini. Sayangnya masa ini berakhir ketika Jepang menguasai Indonesia pada 1942 dan membongkar sebagian rel untuk keperluan perang di Front Burma dan India.

          Inside the exhibition room, the old railway things were displayed  such as old photos, route map, uniform, etc. The photos which displayed on the exhibition showed Indonesian railway history in Dutch colonial time. In that time, railway was in glory which indicated by the increasing railway tracks as shown by the map below. Unfortunately, this era was over when Japan seize Indonesia in 1942 and take apart some tracks for war utility in India and Burma Front.


          Yang paling menarik menurut ITF adalah ticket Edmondson yang dipajang di dalam kotak kaca. Sistem pertiketan Edmondson telah diperkenalkan oleh Inggris sejak 1840 dan telah diadopsi oleh banyak negara termasuk Indonesia selama ratusan tahun.Yang khas dari tiket Edmondson ini adalah ticketnya yang berukuran sangat kecil. Karena dijadikan sebagai barang koleksi favorit, tiket Edmondson memiliki "nilai" yang sangat tinggi di kalangan kolektor.

          The best part for ITF is Edmondson tickets which displayed inside the glass box. Edmondson ticketing system was introduced by England since 1840 and many countries include Indonesia has been adopted the system for hundred years. The typical character of Edmondson system is the ticket in very small size. As a favorite collection item, the Edmondson ticket is tremendously valuable among the collectors.

Event ini diharapkan generasi muda dapat mengetahui sejarah bangsanya sendiri, khususnya dalam perkeretaapian. Siapa lagi yang akan menjaga sejarah bangsa kita jika kita melupakannya?

          The expectation from this event, the young generation is able to know about their own nation history, especially in railway. Who else who will keep our nation history if we forget it?

Sumber | Source : Arsip Pribadi | Private Archive